There were many changes relative to the number of components in this release. These changes made mild differences to the appearance of the GUI. There were size and font changes to components, and several components were added or moved this release.
Detailed Changes
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 1028 px while it used to be 1011 px.
The TextView at location (1028,326) has changed size horizontally from 165 px to 172 px
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 1088 px while it used to be 1064 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 684 px while it used to be 681 px.
The TextView at location (684,326) has changed size horizontally from 165 px to 172 px
The TextView at location (684,326) has changed font.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 171 px while it used to be 188 px.
The TextView at location (171,326) has changed size horizontally from 164 px to 171 px
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 228 px while it used to be 242 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 1346 px while it used to be 1330 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 57 px while it used to be 78 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 1585 px while it used to be 1565 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 399 px while it used to be 406 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 868 px while it used to be 860 px.
The TextView at location (399,868) has changed font.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 228 px while it used to be 242 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 1585 px while it used to be 1565 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 924 px while it used to be 910 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 628 px while it used to be 624 px.
The TextView at location (924,628) has changed font.
Location Change : the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 868 px while it used to be 860 px.
The TextView at location (570,868) has changed font.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 57 px while it used to be 78 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 1107 px while it used to be 1095 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 1096 px while it used to be 1075 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 628 px while it used to be 624 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 238 px while it used to be 252 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 868 px while it used to be 860 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 399 px while it used to be 406 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 1346 px while it used to be 1330 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 1096 px while it used to be 1075 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 1585 px while it used to be 1565 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 228 px while it used to be 242 px.
The TextView at location (228,388) has changed font.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 914 px while it used to be 900 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 1107 px while it used to be 1095 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 0 px while it used to be 24 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 742 px while it used to be 735 px.
The TextView at location (742,388) has changed font.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 1086 px while it used to be 1065 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 1346 px while it used to be 1330 px.
Location Change : the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 1346 px while it used to be 1330 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 513 px while it used to be 516 px.
The TextView at location (513,326) has changed size horizontally from 165 px to 171 px
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 1086 px while it used to be 1065 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 868 px while it used to be 860 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 399 px while it used to be 406 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 1107 px while it used to be 1095 px.
The TextView at location (399,1107) has changed font.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 409 px while it used to be 416 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 1585 px while it used to be 1565 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 856 px while it used to be 846 px.
The TextView at location (856,326) has changed size horizontally from 165 px to 172 px
The TextView at location (856,326) has changed font.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 67 px while it used to be 88 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 868 px while it used to be 860 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 1086 px while it used to be 1065 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 1086 px while it used to be 1065 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 1107 px while it used to be 1095 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 914 px while it used to be 900 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 1346 px while it used to be 1330 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 238 px while it used to be 252 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 628 px while it used to be 624 px.
The TextView at location (238,628) has changed font.
Location Change : the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 628 px while it used to be 624 px.
The TextView at location (580,628) has changed font.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 61 px while it used to be 81 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 628 px while it used to be 624 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 409 px while it used to be 416 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 628 px while it used to be 624 px.
The TextView at location (409,628) has changed font.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 57 px while it used to be 78 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 1346 px while it used to be 1330 px.
Location Change : the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 1107 px while it used to be 1095 px.
The TextView at location (570,1107) has changed font.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 399 px while it used to be 406 px.
The TextView at location (399,388) has changed font.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 112 px while it used to be 136 px.
The TextView at location (112,200) has changed size horizontally from 928 px to 976 px
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 752 px while it used to be 745 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 628 px while it used to be 624 px.
The TextView at location (752,628) has changed font.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 742 px while it used to be 735 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 1346 px while it used to be 1330 px.
Location Change : the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 1585 px while it used to be 1565 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 752 px while it used to be 745 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 1585 px while it used to be 1565 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 742 px while it used to be 735 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 868 px while it used to be 860 px.
The TextView at location (742,868) has changed font.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 57 px while it used to be 78 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 228 px while it used to be 242 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 1107 px while it used to be 1095 px.
The TextView at location (912,64) is new!
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 0 px while it used to be 24 px.
The TextView at location (0,326) has changed size horizontally from 164 px to 171 px
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 914 px while it used to be 900 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 868 px while it used to be 860 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 924 px while it used to be 910 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 1585 px while it used to be 1565 px.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 742 px while it used to be 735 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 1107 px while it used to be 1095 px.
The TextView at location (742,1107) has changed font.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 342 px while it used to be 352 px.
The TextView at location (342,326) has changed size horizontally from 164 px to 171 px
The TextView at location (342,326) has changed font.
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 914 px while it used to be 900 px.
The TextView at location (914,388) has changed font.
Maximum Common Spanning Tree
Level 0: Start Pos: 0,0 Type(class): FrameLayout ID: Name: Type(class): FrameLayout Rectangle: 1200,1824
Level 1: Start Pos: 0,48 Type(class): ViewGroup ID: com.simplemobiletools.calendar:id/decor_content_parent Name: Type(class): ViewGroup Rectangle: 1200,1776
Level 2: Start Pos: 0,48 Type(class): ViewGroup ID: com.simplemobiletools.calendar:id/action_bar Name: Type(class): ViewGroup Rectangle: 1200,128
Level 3: Start Pos: 48,85 Type(class): TextView ID: Name: Calendar Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 160,54
Level 3: Start Pos: 912,48 Type(class): aq ID: Name: Type(class): aq Rectangle: 272,128
Level 4: Start Pos: 1008,64 Type(class): TextView ID: com.simplemobiletools.calendar:id/change_view Name: Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 96,96
Level 4: Start Pos: 1104,64 Type(class): ImageView ID: Name: Type(class): ImageView Rectangle: 80,96
Level 2: Start Pos: 0,176 Type(class): ViewGroup ID: com.simplemobiletools.calendar:id/calendar_coordinator Name: Type(class): ViewGroup Rectangle: 1200,1648
Level 3: Start Pos: 0,176 Type(class): RelativeLayout ID: com.simplemobiletools.calendar:id/month_calendar_holder Name: Type(class): RelativeLayout Rectangle: 1200,1648
Level 4: Start Pos: 0,318 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: com.simplemobiletools.calendar:id/first_row Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1200,70
Level 4: Start Pos: 0,388 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: com.simplemobiletools.calendar:id/table_holder Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1200,1436
Level 5: Start Pos: 0,388 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: com.simplemobiletools.calendar:id/month_line_holder_1 Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1200,240
Level 6: Start Pos: 570,388 Type(class): TextView ID: com.simplemobiletools.calendar:id/day_monthly_number_id Name: 28 Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 56,49
Level 5: Start Pos: 0,628 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: com.simplemobiletools.calendar:id/month_line_holder_2 Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1200,240
Level 5: Start Pos: 0,868 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: com.simplemobiletools.calendar:id/month_line_holder_3 Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1200,239
Level 5: Start Pos: 0,1107 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: com.simplemobiletools.calendar:id/month_line_holder_4 Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1200,239
Level 5: Start Pos: 0,1346 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: com.simplemobiletools.calendar:id/month_line_holder_5 Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1200,239
Level 5: Start Pos: 0,1585 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: com.simplemobiletools.calendar:id/month_line_holder_6 Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1200,239
Level 3: Start Pos: 1056,1680 Type(class): ImageButton ID: com.simplemobiletools.calendar:id/calendar_fab Name: Type(class): ImageButton Rectangle: 112,112
View Trees