There were many changes relative to the number of components in this release. These changes made mild differences to the appearance of the GUI. There were size changes to components, and several components were moved or added this release.
Detailed Changes
The TextView at location (20,170) is new!
The ImageView at location (20,267) is new!
Location Change : the distance between the left edge of the component and the left edge of the screen is 20 px while it used to be 0 px.the distance between the top of the component and the top of the screen is 219 px while it used to be 160 px.
The TextView at location (20,219) has changed size horizontally from 1200 px to 1160 px
The TextView at location (20,219) has changed size vertically from 1664 px to 38 px
Maximum Common Spanning Tree
Level 0: Start Pos: 0,0 Type(class): ViewGroup ID: android:id/decor_content_parent Name: Type(class): ViewGroup Rectangle: 1200,1824
Level 1: Start Pos: 0,48 Type(class): ViewGroup ID: android:id/action_bar Name: Type(class): ViewGroup Rectangle: 1200,112
Level 2: Start Pos: 0,48 Type(class): FrameLayout ID: Name: Type(class): FrameLayout Rectangle: 129,112
Level 3: Start Pos: 0,88 Type(class): ImageView ID: android:id/up Name: Type(class): ImageView Rectangle: 32,32
Level 3: Start Pos: 25,56 Type(class): ImageView ID: android:id/home Name: Type(class): ImageView Rectangle: 96,96
Level 2: Start Pos: 148,66 Type(class): EditText ID: android:id/search_src_text Name: Type(class): EditText Rectangle: 602,72
Level 2: Start Pos: 1072,48 Type(class): ImageButton ID: Name: Type(class): ImageButton Rectangle: 128,112
Level 1: Start Pos: 0,160 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1200,193
Level 2: Start Pos: 20,267 Type(class): RelativeLayout ID: me.sheimi.sgit:id/commitMsgContainer Name: Type(class): RelativeLayout Rectangle: 1160,76
Level 3: Start Pos: 106,267 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1074,76
Level 4: Start Pos: 122,267 Type(class): TextView ID: me.sheimi.sgit:id/commitTime Name: Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 1058,38
Level 4: Start Pos: 106,305 Type(class): TextView ID: me.sheimi.sgit:id/commitMsg Name: Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 1074,38
View Trees