Previous Tree
- Level 0: Start Pos: 0,0 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1200,1824
- Level 1: Start Pos: 8,49 Type(class): TextView ID: android:id/title Name: Dumbphone Assistant Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 1184,46
- Level 1: Start Pos: 0,98 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1200,1726
- Level 2: Start Pos: 0,98 Type(class): TabWidget ID: android:id/tabs Name: Type(class): TabWidget Rectangle: 1200,128
- Level 3: Start Pos: 233,151 Type(class): TextView ID: android:id/title Name: Phone Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 134,65
- Level 3: Start Pos: 803,151 Type(class): TextView ID: android:id/title Name: Sim Card Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 194,65
- Level 2: Start Pos: 0,226 Type(class): RelativeLayout ID: Name: Type(class): RelativeLayout Rectangle: 1200,128
- Level 3: Start Pos: 144,242 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: com.github.yeriomin.dumbphoneassistant:id/text_container Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 912,96
- Level 4: Start Pos: 144,242 Type(class): TextView ID: com.github.yeriomin.dumbphoneassistant:id/text_contact_name Name: Copy all contacts to SIM card Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 912,49
- Level 4: Start Pos: 144,291 Type(class): TextView ID: com.github.yeriomin.dumbphoneassistant:id/text_phone Name: Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 912,47
- Level 3: Start Pos: 1072,226 Type(class): ImageButton ID: com.github.yeriomin.dumbphoneassistant:id/button_to_sim Name: Type(class): ImageButton Rectangle: 128,128
New Tree
- Level 0: Start Pos: 0,0 Type(class): FrameLayout ID: Name: Type(class): FrameLayout Rectangle: 1200,1824
- Level 1: Start Pos: 0,0 Type(class): ViewGroup ID: android:id/decor_content_parent Name: Type(class): ViewGroup Rectangle: 1200,1824
- Level 2: Start Pos: 0,48 Type(class): ViewGroup ID: android:id/action_bar Name: Type(class): ViewGroup Rectangle: 1200,128
- Level 3: Start Pos: 48,85 Type(class): TextView ID: Name: Dumbphone Assistant Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 397,54
- Level 3: Start Pos: 1088,64 Type(class): TextView ID: com.github.yeriomin.dumbphoneassistant:id/menu_settings Name: Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 96,96
- Level 2: Start Pos: 0,176 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1200,1648
- Level 3: Start Pos: 0,176 Type(class): TabWidget ID: android:id/tabs Name: Type(class): TabWidget Rectangle: 1200,128
- Level 4: Start Pos: 232,176 Type(class): TextView ID: android:id/title Name: Phone (0) Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 136,128
- Level 4: Start Pos: 814,176 Type(class): TextView ID: android:id/title Name: Sim Card (0) Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 172,128
- Level 3: Start Pos: 0,304 Type(class): RelativeLayout ID: Name: Type(class): RelativeLayout Rectangle: 1200,128
- Level 4: Start Pos: 144,320 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: com.github.yeriomin.dumbphoneassistant:id/text_container Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 912,96
- Level 5: Start Pos: 144,320 Type(class): TextView ID: com.github.yeriomin.dumbphoneassistant:id/text_contact_name Name: Copy all contacts to SIM card Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 912,49
- Level 5: Start Pos: 144,369 Type(class): TextView ID: com.github.yeriomin.dumbphoneassistant:id/text_phone Name: Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 912,47
- Level 4: Start Pos: 1072,304 Type(class): ImageButton ID: com.github.yeriomin.dumbphoneassistant:id/button_to_sim Name: Type(class): ImageButton Rectangle: 128,128