Previous Tree
- Level 0: Start Pos: 36,571 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: android:id/parentPanel Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1128,730
- Level 1: Start Pos: 36,571 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: android:id/topPanel Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1128,148
- Level 2: Start Pos: 84,621 Type(class): TextView ID: android:id/alertTitle Name: Clone Repository Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 1032,59
- Level 2: Start Pos: 52,715 Type(class): View ID: android:id/titleDivider Name: Type(class): View Rectangle: 1096,4
- Level 1: Start Pos: 52,719 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1096,456
- Level 2: Start Pos: 72,739 Type(class): EditText ID: me.sheimi.sgit:id/remoteURL Name: Remote URL Type(class): EditText Rectangle: 1056,73
- Level 2: Start Pos: 72,832 Type(class): EditText ID: me.sheimi.sgit:id/localPath Name: Local Path Type(class): EditText Rectangle: 1056,73
- Level 2: Start Pos: 72,925 Type(class): EditText ID: me.sheimi.sgit:id/username Name: Username Type(class): EditText Rectangle: 1056,73
- Level 2: Start Pos: 72,1018 Type(class): EditText ID: me.sheimi.sgit:id/password Name: Type(class): EditText Rectangle: 1056,73
- Level 2: Start Pos: 62,1101 Type(class): CheckBox ID: me.sheimi.sgit:id/savePassword Name: Save username and password Type(class): CheckBox Rectangle: 1076,64
- Level 1: Start Pos: 52,1177 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1096,108
- Level 2: Start Pos: 52,1177 Type(class): Button ID: android:id/button2 Name: Cancel Type(class): Button Rectangle: 363,108
- Level 2: Start Pos: 417,1177 Type(class): Button ID: android:id/button3 Name: Init Local Type(class): Button Rectangle: 365,108
- Level 2: Start Pos: 784,1177 Type(class): Button ID: android:id/button1 Name: Clone Type(class): Button Rectangle: 364,108
New Tree
- Level 0: Start Pos: 36,539 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: android:id/parentPanel Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1128,794
- Level 1: Start Pos: 36,539 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: android:id/topPanel Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1128,148
- Level 2: Start Pos: 84,589 Type(class): TextView ID: android:id/alertTitle Name: Clone Repository Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 1032,59
- Level 2: Start Pos: 52,683 Type(class): View ID: android:id/titleDivider Name: Type(class): View Rectangle: 1096,4
- Level 1: Start Pos: 52,687 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1096,520
- Level 2: Start Pos: 72,707 Type(class): EditText ID: me.sheimi.sgit:id/remoteURL Name: Remote URL Type(class): EditText Rectangle: 1056,73
- Level 2: Start Pos: 72,800 Type(class): EditText ID: me.sheimi.sgit:id/localPath Name: Local Path Type(class): EditText Rectangle: 1056,73
- Level 2: Start Pos: 72,893 Type(class): EditText ID: me.sheimi.sgit:id/username Name: Username Type(class): EditText Rectangle: 1056,73
- Level 2: Start Pos: 72,986 Type(class): EditText ID: me.sheimi.sgit:id/password Name: Type(class): EditText Rectangle: 1056,73
- Level 2: Start Pos: 62,1069 Type(class): CheckBox ID: me.sheimi.sgit:id/savePassword Name: Save username and password Type(class): CheckBox Rectangle: 1076,64
- Level 2: Start Pos: 62,1133 Type(class): CheckBox ID: me.sheimi.sgit:id/cloneRecursive Name: Clone recursively Type(class): CheckBox Rectangle: 1076,64
- Level 1: Start Pos: 52,1209 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1096,108
- Level 2: Start Pos: 52,1209 Type(class): Button ID: android:id/button2 Name: Cancel Type(class): Button Rectangle: 363,108
- Level 2: Start Pos: 417,1209 Type(class): Button ID: android:id/button3 Name: Init Local Type(class): Button Rectangle: 365,108
- Level 2: Start Pos: 784,1209 Type(class): Button ID: android:id/button1 Name: Clone Type(class): Button Rectangle: 364,108