Previous Tree
- Level 0: Start Pos: 0,0 Type(class): FrameLayout ID: Name: Type(class): FrameLayout Rectangle: 1200,1824
- Level 1: Start Pos: 0,48 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1200,1776
- Level 2: Start Pos: 0,48 Type(class): ViewGroup ID: org.sugr.gearshift:id/toolbar Name: Type(class): ViewGroup Rectangle: 1200,128
- Level 3: Start Pos: 0,56 Type(class): ImageButton ID: Name: Type(class): ImageButton Rectangle: 112,112
- Level 3: Start Pos: 120,85 Type(class): TextView ID: Name: Gear Shift Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 177,54
- Level 2: Start Pos: 0,176 Type(class): FrameLayout ID: org.sugr.gearshift:id/list_panel Name: Type(class): FrameLayout Rectangle: 1200,1648
- Level 3: Start Pos: 0,176 Type(class): ViewGroup ID: org.sugr.gearshift:id/swipe_container Name: Type(class): ViewGroup Rectangle: 1200,1648
- Level 3: Start Pos: 32,208 Type(class): TextView ID: android:id/empty Name: Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 1136,1584
New Tree
- Level 0: Start Pos: 0,0 Type(class): FrameLayout ID: Name: Type(class): FrameLayout Rectangle: 1200,1824
- Level 1: Start Pos: 0,48 Type(class): LinearLayout ID: Name: Type(class): LinearLayout Rectangle: 1200,1776
- Level 2: Start Pos: 0,48 Type(class): ViewGroup ID: org.sugr.gearshift:id/toolbar Name: Type(class): ViewGroup Rectangle: 1200,128
- Level 3: Start Pos: 0,56 Type(class): ImageButton ID: Name: Type(class): ImageButton Rectangle: 112,112
- Level 3: Start Pos: 120,85 Type(class): TextView ID: Name: Gear Shift Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 177,54
- Level 2: Start Pos: 0,176 Type(class): RelativeLayout ID: Name: Type(class): RelativeLayout Rectangle: 1200,1648
- Level 3: Start Pos: 32,903 Type(class): TextView ID: org.sugr.gearshift:id/empty_message Name: No profile seems to have been created yet.
You can add profiles by visiting the settings in the navigation drawer, or by pressing the button below. Type(class): TextView Rectangle: 1136,193
- Level 3: Start Pos: 509,1128 Type(class): Button ID: org.sugr.gearshift:id/empty_button Name: Add profile Type(class): Button Rectangle: 181,96